Customer service: I really don’t need to tell you how important it is. But I will.

I don’t wanna brag, but I kinda think I’m the ideal customer.

I’ve worked in an ice cream shop, been a lifeguard, babysitter, college orientation leader and cashier (excuse me, “Point of Sale”. That’s much fancier.), all positions where I’ve had to deal with people kindly and judiciously.

I’m also just a really nice, compassionate person.

These traits and experiences combined make me Super Customer! Here to make your $%^&*# work day better!

I want their experience serving me to be good so that, in turn, my experience will be a good one. And they almost always are. I cannot recall a single incident that just enraged me so much that I would never return to the store or use that service again. I should note that I do have a quick temper. I’m sure there have been a handful of times where I’ve unleashed my death stare on a deserving employee, but nothing sticks out in my head. Maybe I’m just a forgiving person and realized that everyone has bad days. Just kidding, I’m just really forgetful.

I did, however, have a couple of recent experiences where I will not be using the services again. In the first, there was a total lack of customer service; I was directed to a machine each time. I wrote an angry and sassy Yelp review in retaliation. The other is more about the facility, itself. I recently called a salon that I had a Groupon for to make an appointment. The woman on the phone was not very personable and evidently we were both pretty hard to understand because we were getting nowhere. I ended up having to call back later because she was clearly so frustrated that one of our phone services was spotty. Anyway, minor annoyance. The real problem came when I arrived for my appointment. I had to wait about 15 minutes, no big deal, she apologized, but that gave me time to look around the room and notice how utterly filthy it was. I should note that this appointment was to remove follicles from an unmentionable area of the body (TMI, I’m sorry, but it’s necessary to the story), so it’s extra, super important that the facility is immaculate. Anyway the point of this story is that customer service extends beyond the front desk. Nobody is going to want to return to your facility if it’s in disarray or, in this case, has wax splattered all over the walls. (Really.)

If you ask me, every single employee, every sector, every part of the company has to be aware of the customer. What they may see, what they may feel, what they may perceive. It’s all a part of good customer service and makes a major difference in their experience.

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